
Adventure Team Death Valley Mystery part 3

I always wanted to do a photo story reminiscent of my first G.I.Joe Adventure Team with the desert explorer outfit with hard hat, that came in the Secret of the Mummy's Tomb playset with the famous official Adventure Team Vehicle 6 wheel ATV with crane, net, pickax, shovel, sarcophagus, mummy and jewels. Like most people I didn't keep my old toys, except the figure itself, but without anything else, so I recreated a semblance of that sort of set with an Ultra Corp Hummer and a modern G.I.Joe with a similar desert expedition outfit. I also always loved dinosaurs, so I added a couple of nice enough ones from the dollar store and enlarged them with the help of Photoshop. I wasn't really planning this story, because I didn't know of any location near home where I could do this, until one Saturday morning when I was playing with my kids at a local park and noticed some piles of dirt and sand, apparently moved by a bulldozer, awaiting further work. Since it was still supposed to be sunny the next day and that would be a Sunday, so the workers wouldn't be back yet to spread the sand and dirt around, I decided to go back the next morning with the two figures, jeep/hummer and two dinosaurs to take as many pictures as I could in an hour, while my really patient 10 year old daughter played nearby, trying not to get too bored, while waiting for me to be done. I'm happy with the result and how well the pictures came out. The best results I get for inserting other elements I enlarge, is when those elements were photographed in the same environment and lighting conditions, which was the case here. I can't often do that, so it doesn't always come out good, but it did in this case, as far as I'm concerned, and I had a lot of fun putting this little story together. Thanks for looking

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