I had wanted to make this photo-story since last year but didn't get the opportunity then. I wasn't too thrilled about going to the mall on a Sunday morning to take the pictures in the parking on the huge snowbanks there, either. However, my kids suggested that I could take the pictures on the snowbank near the parking at their elementary school instead. As it turned out, this was a very good suggestion. The school kids had slid, tumbled and played so much on that snowbank that the snow was well compacted, so that my 1/6 scale figures didn't sink in, and there were no discernible foot prints anywhere. I went there with the kids on a Saturday morning and it work out great. It was a good thing too, since we got more than a week's worth of spring like temperatures that week, accompanied by heavy rain, which melted most of the snow away, that in February, which never happened here when I was growing up. Of course, now the temperature is freezing as heck, with -17 (-28 with the wind chill), now that we're in early March... but with no snow in the forecast. This may be my last winter story until next year, by the look of it. Thanks for looking!
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